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    نمایش ایمیل به مخاطبین

    نمایش نظر در سایت

    آمار بازدید
    بازدیدکنندگان تا کنون : ۴۴٫۷۸۸ نفر
    بازدیدکنندگان امروز : ۱ نفر
    تعداد یادداشت ها : ۳۸

    پر بازدیدترین یادداشت ها :
    مقالات بهمن ۱۳۹۴
    "Intellectual Heritage of Islamic Civilization" A new book series published by the Institute of Islamic Studies, McGill University (Montreal, Canada) and Entesharat-i kitab-i rayzan/Markaz-i Da'irat al-ma'arif-i buzurg-i islami (Tehran, Iran) The aim of the series is to make hitherto unedited key texts from the classical Muslim historical and religious repertoire available to scholarship in high-quality facsimile or critical editions. Among the works whose publication is projected as facsimiles are various unique manuscripts, autographs and other precious codices. Each publication will include an introduction, table of contents and a number of...
    شنبه ۲۴ بهمن ۱۳۹۴ ساعت ۱۱:۲۰